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Chicago Style Eats Puzzle

  • $ 29.95 $ 25.46 member price*

    product SKU: 103891

In Chicago you can find an array of street foods 24/7. Our brand new Chicago Style Eats 1000 Piece Puzzle features Chicagoans' favorite quality eats, inspired by the food vendor signs found all throughout the city's summer festivals. Whether you are dining in, or carrying out, there is only one rule when it comes to Chicago Style Eats: no ketchup allowed!

The finished puzzle measures 19.25" x 26.25". Printed in the USA on high quality 69 pt. chipboard. Now including a 9.5" x 13.25" guide poster!

Designed and produced by Transit Tees in Chicago's Wicker Park neighborhood.

*Member price, for regularly-priced merchandise only.
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